August Gathering--2013

Topic: Worldview Explorations

Date: Thursday, August 22nd

Place: Northeast Library   6801 35th Ave. N.E., Seattle

            Metro Bus Rt: 64, 65, 71, 76, 83

Time: 6:00-8:00pm  (Join us for social time at 5:30pm)

Admission: Free



How does our worldview affect our understanding of ourselves and how we relate to one another? How can we contribute to the world where we constantly encounter huge diversity in values, beliefs and assumptions? 


We talked about the Worldview Explorations Project (was called Worldview LIteracy) last October. Since then IONS has produced Workbook, Facilitator Guide and Conversation Cards. We are going to introduce the recent development of this Project and have a mini-workshop using the Conversation Cards. 


Please go to IONS website for more information about the Worldview Explorations. 




Core Tenets:

